展会时间:2023年6月2-4日 展会地点:广交会展馆A区 Exhibition Time: June 2nd- 4th, 2023 Exhibition Venue: Area A, China lmport and Export Fair Complex
如有下列情况,请不要进入展馆参展参会 In the following cases, please don’t attend the exhibition:
1.未康复的新冠病毒感染确诊病例; 2.新冠病毒核酸或抗原检测阳性人员; 3.体温异常人员; 4.参展参会前7天有发热、干咳、乏力、咽痛、嗅觉味觉减退或丧失、腹泻、寒战、打喷嚏、鼻塞、头痛、气促、呼吸困难、胸闷、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、皮疹、黄疸等症状,未排除新冠病毒感染等重点传染病的人员。 1.Confirmed COVID-19 infection while not recovered; 2.Tested positive for COVID-19 in a PCR or antigen test; 3.Abnormal body temperature; 4.Any symptoms of fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, diarrhea, chills, sneezing, nasal congestion, headache, shortness of breath, dyspnea, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rash and jaundice 7 days before the exhibition, possibly infected with key infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
参展参会人员体温检测规定 Notice to attendees:
1.展会入口处设置有测温设备,所有参会人员要经过体温测量,体温正常者方可进入场馆,体温异常者(体温≥37.3℃)不得入场。 2.展会期间发现有不适症状与体征人员,主要包括发热、干咳、乏力、咽痛、嗅觉味觉减退或丧失、腹泻、寒战、打喷嚏、鼻塞、头痛、气促、呼吸困难、胸闷、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、皮疹、黄疸等症状,应及时主动报告驻点医务人员,由驻点医务人员进行检查处理,抗原阳性者请自行离开场馆。 1.No entering for those detected abnormal body temperature ( ≥ 37.3 ℃) in the exhibition entrance. 2.If you feel unwell after entering the venue, such as having symptoms of fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, diarrhea, chills, sneezing, nasal congestion, headache, shortness of breath, dyspnea, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rash and jaundice, please report promptly to the on-site medical staff for examination and treatment, and leave the venue immediately in the case of testing positive in an antigen test.